Penny Papers Adventures: The Skull Island

Penny Papers Adventures: The Skull Island

RRP: £15.00
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Penny Papers Adventures is a series of small strategy games in which all of the players use the same result of three dice to explore a location more thoroughly than their opponents by writing numbers in their grid in an optimal way to make the most victory points out of it. Challenge your ability to manage space, and wisely use the special effects of the dice. Oh, and don’t mi…
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Penny Papers Adventures is a series of small strategy games in which all of the players use the same result of three dice to explore a location more thoroughly than their opponents by writing numbers in their grid in an optimal way to make the most victory points out of it. Challenge your ability to manage space, and wisely use the special effects of the dice. Oh, and don't miss an opportunity to mess up your opponents' grids when dangers appear! The number of players is unlimited as everyone plays at the same time!

In The Skull Island, you want to progress on the map and determine the coordinates that will allow you to discover the most valuable treasures of Skull Island...while simultaneously overcoming its dangers.