Pathfinder Second Edition RPG (P2): Advanced GM Screen

Pathfinder Second Edition RPG (P2): Advanced GM Screen

RRP: £21.50
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RRP £21.50
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There can be a lot to keep track of while running a thrilling game of Pathfinder, but the right GM screen can make all the difference. This four-panel horizontal screen has a lavish illustration on one side and a wealth of useful charts and tables on the other, referencing a number of the advanced rules systems first presented in the Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide. This screen will he…
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There can be a lot to keep track of while running a thrilling game of Pathfinder, but the right GM screen can make all the difference. This four-panel horizontal screen has a lavish illustration on one side and a wealth of useful charts and tables on the other, referencing a number of the advanced rules systems first presented in the Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide. This screen will help keep your secret notes and maps hidden from players, while making your job as GM simpler than ever!