Pathfinder Battles (Set 24): Fearsome Forces Battle Box

Pathfinder Battles (Set 24): Fearsome Forces Battle Box

RRP: 6.99
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Marshal your armies with the new Pathfinder Battles: Fearsome Forces miniatures set! Plague your players with packs of murderous kholos, swarms of undead, and crowds of venomous serpentfolk. This set has what you need to assemble groups of monstrous foes to face the heroes and adventurers of your tabletop game! Collect all 18 figures from this set of randomly sorted monsters and ch…
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Category Tag SKU ZBG-WZK97560 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Marshal your armies with the new Pathfinder Battles: Fearsome Forces miniatures set! Plague your players with packs of murderous kholos, swarms of undead, and crowds of venomous serpentfolk. This set has what you need to assemble groups of monstrous foes to face the heroes and adventurers of your tabletop game!

Collect all 18 figures from this set of randomly sorted monsters and characters in our exciting line of Pathfinder miniatures.

This fantasy miniature release has two product configurations: the Single Miniature Booster & 12ct. Battle Box.

The Single Miniature Booster (MSRP $6.99, Dimensions 2 x 2.25 x 1.5) contains one random miniature.

Battle Boxes contain 12 Single Miniature Boosters.

Battle Box Cases contain 2 Boosters Bricks (24 Single Miniature Boosters total)