Pandoria: Realms Expansion

Pandoria: Realms Expansion

RRP: 8.59
Now €6.45(SAVE 35%)
RRP €9.99
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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As the Five Realms make their new home in Pandoria, they discover that they are not alone! The magic of the island has created a race of Golems out of the different land forms. Centaurs from other parts of the island have journeyed through the mountain passes to settle the same fertile plane. The Spirits of the Ancients who once inhabited Pandoria have been awakened. One ship of Gob…
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As the Five Realms make their new home in Pandoria, they discover that they are not alone! The magic of the island has created a race of Golems out of the different land forms. Centaurs from other parts of the island have journeyed through the mountain passes to settle the same fertile plane. The Spirits of the Ancients who once inhabited Pandoria have been awakened. One ship of Goblins who crashed while pursuing the Five Realms must now coexist with the other realms in this new land. And finally the Fairies, which are gifted with higher powers, who live in forests, in rock caves, at springs or waters.

Each player can choose one of these new realms instead of one of the original Five Realms. Each realm adds a new special power that changes the tactics for the player who controls them—and those of the players who must compete with them!