Paingiver Task Master

Paingiver Task Master

RRP: $9.50
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Slavery is one of the most deeply embedded elements of skorne culture. The Paingiver caste takes great pleasure in subjugating new beasts and races, and recent battles have only served to open their minds to new possibilities. Paingiver Task Masters are sent to oversee Skorne Minions in battle, and they are quick to apply the lash to any who grow lax in their service.
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Category SKU ZWCS-PIP74054 Availability Backorder
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Slavery is one of the most deeply embedded elements of skorne culture. The Paingiver caste takes great pleasure in subjugating new beasts and races, and recent battles have only served to open their minds to new possibilities. Paingiver Task Masters are sent to oversee Skorne Minions in battle, and they are quick to apply the lash to any who grow lax in their service.