Overwatch: Anthology Volume 1 (Hardback)

Overwatch: Anthology Volume 1 (Hardback)

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From Soldier: 76 to Ana, Tracer to Symmetra, discover the history behind Overwatch's heroes. How did Bastion become part of the team? Why did Ana Amari disappear? Where did Tracer get her catchphrase? Learn all this and more in this hardcover anthology of the first twelve issues of Blizzard's Overwatch comics, written and illustrated by an all-star creative team including Matt Burns…
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Category Tag SKU ZTP-9781506705408 Availability 3+ in stock
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From Soldier: 76 to Ana, Tracer to Symmetra, discover the history behind Overwatch's heroes. How did Bastion become part of the team? Why did Ana Amari disappear? Where did Tracer get her catchphrase? Learn all this and more in this hardcover anthology of the first twelve issues of Blizzard's Overwatch comics, written and illustrated by an all-star creative team including Matt Burns, Robert Brooks, Micky Neilson, Nesskain, Bengal, and more. Whether you're an Overwatch novice or a Grandmaster, this is an essential companion!


From Soldier: 76 to Ana, Tracer to Symmetra, discover the history behind Overwatch's heroes. How did Bastion become part of the team? Why did Ana Amari disappear? Where did Tracer get her catchphrase? Learn all this and more in this hardcover anthology of the first twelve issues of Blizzard's Overwatch comics, written and illustrated by an all-star creative team including Matt Burns, Robert Brooks, Micky Neilson, Nesskain, Bengal, and more. Whether you're an Overwatch novice or a Grandmaster, this is an essential companion!