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Games Workshop, Warcry, Warhammer, Warhammer: Age of Sigmar

Games Workshop, Warcry, Warhammer, Warhammer: Age of Sigmar

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  • Artwork
  • Complexity
  • Replayability
  • Player Interaction
  • Component Quality

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  • The Stompa
  • Burna Boyz
  • The sheer value of the box as a whole

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  • Imperial nerds
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There’s a new Ork Big Mek – and this box is the first place you can get him. He’s accompanied by a full army: 10 Ork Boyz, 10 Loota Boyz (who can be built as Burna Boyz), a Trukk, and a Stompa. This is a truly mighty force to be reckoned with, and the Big Mek can lead either the Boyz or the Lootaz. He has two head options, and weapon options including a kustom mega-blasta, a traktor blasta, a power klaw, and a drilla.

What’s in the Box?

There’s no getting around it – the moment you lay eyes on this box you’ll be instantly drawn to the Stompa. It’s huge, it makes Imperial Knights look stumpy in comparison, and stands as one of the largest models currently available in the 40K range (excluding Forge World). The Stompa is the embodiment of Ork warfare – utter destruction. It’s covered in enough guns, rockets and other assorted firepower to turn your enemy into dust, and that dust into vapour.

Once you’re done drinking in the Stompa you’ll also spot 10 Boyz to accompany the chonky tank. To get them into battle faster you’ll also get a Trukk and for some long range heavy support (not that you’ll really need it with the Stompa about) you get 10 Loota Boyz, which can also be made into Burna Boyz for some additional close range carnage. To top everything off the HQ unit in this box is a Big Mek, one of the newer models in the Ork range. It comes with a couple of pose and weapon choices.

Mix it up

Depending on weapon and unit configuration the Battleforce box gives you an army with a point value of between 1,075-1,210, which is more than enough to get a WAAAGH! going. That said, 800 points of that comes from the Stompa, so you are kind of putting all your Orks in one basket. Albeit, a basket with insane firepower and armour values.

But don’t be deterred, this box is the most cost effective way to getting an Ork army to be proud of. The Trukk and Boyz will be the cornerstone of any army build, the Lootaz and/or Burna Boyz (I’ll be turning mine into five of each) give you diversity and the Big Mek has enough options available to adapt to any and all army configurations you wish.

Personally I’ll be mixing my Battleforce box with an Ork Combat Patrol. I’ve got the older one, which has more Boys (you can never have enough), Nobz, a War Boss in Mek armour, Killer Kans and an Ork Dreadnought. (Side note: If you’ve got you mitts on the newer Combat Patrol you’ll have a high speed bunch of killers comprising of a Beastboss, Squighog Boyz, a Bomb Squig and a force of Beast Snagga Boyz, which will be perfectly covered by your Stompa). Finally, I’ll be rounding things out with the big man himself – Ghazghkull Thraka because I just can’t go into battle without my all-time favourite model. All-in-all this will you a lovely army that gets close to the 2,000 point mark and is more than enough to wipe the floor with those Imperial nerds.

Paint it black (and green)

Full disclosure – I haven’t painted my Battleforce box yet, that’s why there aren’t any of my photos with the review! In fact most of the models aren’t even off their sprue yet. Sure, Ghazghkull is all painted, my Combat Patrol is completely under-coated and underway. But my Battleforce box if currently sidelined with the unassembled Stompa judging me daily. Of course, as any good miniature painter knows – this won’t stop me buying more.

Is it worth it?

Short answer – yes. Long answer – as I said, it’s the most cost effective way to either start or expand your Ork army. The Stompa brings all the firepower you need. Lootaz and/or Burna Boyz are a great addition. The Boyz and the Trukk are an excellent foundation to any army (you’ll probably want more Trukks as you expand your Boyz to really get stuck into a fight) and the Big Mek is a great HQ for creating all sorts of mechanical mayhem. Points-wise it’s over 1,000 whatever combination you use, compare this to the 500-560 point value of a Combat Patrol, taking in account the price of those and it’s clear to see that the Stompa Boyz Battleforce box is an absolute steal… did I mention the Stompa?

Zatu Score


  • Artwork
  • Complexity
  • Replayability
  • Player Interaction
  • Component Quality

You might like

  • The Stompa
  • Burna Boyz
  • The sheer value of the box as a whole

Might not like

  • Imperial nerds