Order of Illumination Resolutes

Order of Illumination Resolutes

RRP: $39.00
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The Resolutes are the heavy infantry of the Order of Illumination. Armed with holy blades and blessed Execrator Cannons, the Resolutes are trained to cleave through unholy spirits and the most malevolent denizens of the Outer Abyss. Their mechanika armor protects them from both mundane attacks and the dark corruptions of infernal and undead foes. Few of humanity’s heroes are as pr…
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The Resolutes are the heavy infantry of the Order of Illumination. Armed with holy blades and blessed Execrator Cannons, the Resolutes are trained to cleave through unholy spirits and the most malevolent denizens of the Outer Abyss. Their mechanika armor protects them from both mundane attacks and the dark corruptions of infernal and undead foes. Few of humanity’s heroes are as prepared to face the infernal threat as are the Order of Illumination Resolutes.