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Hey Orc! Are you sad that the days of heroes are in the past? Do you feel upset that brave warriors such as yourself have no chance to use their fury and courage? If so, we have just the thing for you! Dive into the world of business, a vortex of competition, a fight to be the best. Build up your companies with your strong green hands and bargain to the bitter end with your rivals. …
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Category Tag SKU ZBG-AREARTG016 Availability Backorder
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Hey Orc! Are you sad that the days of heroes are in the past? Do you feel upset that brave warriors such as yourself have no chance to use their fury and courage? If so, we have just the thing for you! Dive into the world of business, a vortex of competition, a fight to be the best. Build up your companies with your strong green hands and bargain to the bitter end with your rivals. Legends will be told of your glorious business ventures!

Orconomics is a game for 2-5 players, competing against each other to establish Companies in ten industrial sectors. The game board assembles randomly for each new game. That gives a good replay rating as sectors will have different value and will affect each other.

Companies in each industrial sector generate income or losses, and grant players abilities that can be used during the game. For example, a leader of a Totemology industry will get an ability to send a crisis to an opponent’s sector. That also gives a variety of tactic decisions.

To win the game a player needs to be the first to found 10 companies on the game board or sometimes even less if they successfully fulfilled some business quests of Greed, Rage or Dare!