Once Upon A Time: Fairy Tale Mash-ups

Once Upon A Time: Fairy Tale Mash-ups

RRP: $15.99
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RRP $19.99
Expected Restock Date 01/05/2025
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All Together Now! Everyone knows Cinderella, Humpty Dumpty, and the Three Bears. And everyone knows to avoid magic bean peddlers and ovens big enough for children. But what happens when all these classic fairytale elements — and more! — come together in the same story? Mash-ups is an expansion for Once Upon a Time, the card game where players tell a story using cards that show f…
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All Together Now!

Everyone knows Cinderella, Humpty Dumpty, and the Three Bears. And everyone knows to avoid magic bean peddlers and ovens big enough for children. But what happens when all these classic fairytale elements — and more! — come together in the same story?

Mash-ups is an expansion for Once Upon a Time, the card game where players tell a story using cards that show fairytale elements and endings. Add these cards to your Once Upon a Time game to find out what happens when classic fairytales collide!