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The theme of OctoDice is based on Aquasphere, and the game mechanisms recall that board game. On your turn, you roll six dice (three white and three black); two dice (one white and one black) form an action. Every roll you must pick exactly two dice to take out (any colour). In the end you combine the six dice any way you want, no matter in which order you chose to take them out of …
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Category Tag SKU ZBG-PEG55125G Availability Out of stock
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The theme of OctoDice is based on Aquasphere, and the game mechanisms recall that board game. On your turn, you roll six dice (three white and three black); two dice (one white and one black) form an action. Every roll you must pick exactly two dice to take out (any colour). In the end you combine the six dice any way you want, no matter in which order you chose to take them out of your rolls beforehand. You can use only two actions on your turn. On your development sheet you enter the actions chosen for this turn and note your points. You can also decide to "expand your lab" which will give you bonus actions or points. Other players may pick any action combination from your dice roll to add to their sheet. Do not forget to fight Octopodes ;) The game ends when each player had 6 turns. Whoever has the most points in the end wins.