Nuclear War Card Game 50th Anniversary Edition

Nuclear War Card Game 50th Anniversary Edition

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The humorous card game with a tongue-in-cheek view of international diplomacy, propaganda, and finally: Nuclear holocaust! Two to eight players engage in touchy negotiations until a warmonger pushes the button! This hilarious card game is easy to learn and fast to play. But watch out: if everyone is wiped out – nobody wins!
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The humorous card game with a tongue-in-cheek view of international diplomacy, propaganda, and finally: Nuclear holocaust! Two to eight players engage in touchy negotiations until a warmonger pushes the button! This hilarious card game is easy to learn and fast to play. But watch out: if everyone is wiped out - nobody wins!


The humorous card game with a tongue-in-cheek view of international diplomacy, propaganda, and finally: Nuclear holocaust! Two to eight players engage in touchy negotiations until a warmonger pushes the button! This hilarious card game is easy to learn and fast to play. But watch out: if everyone is wiped out - nobody wins!