No Heroine (Paperback)

No Heroine (Paperback)

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Clawing her way to her 90th day sober, Kayla sets out to find her missing friend – the one person she knows can keep her on the straight-and-narrow. The only problem? The gang of heroine-dealing vampires that have him… and that’s just the start. From the writer of Dead End Kids comes a story of a young woman’s recovery journey and one hard truth: not everyo…
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Category SKU ZTP-9781945940941 Availability 3+ in stock
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Clawing her way to her 90th day sober, Kayla sets out to find her missing friend - the one person she knows can keep her on the straight-and-narrow. The only problem? The gang of heroine-dealing vampires that have him... and that's just the start. From the writer of Dead End Kids comes a story of a young woman's recovery journey and one hard truth: not everyone is cut out to be a hero.