Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 02: Robot Kit
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Introducing Nintendo Labo, a line of interactive make, play and discover experiences designed to inspire creative minds and playful hearts alike. By assembling sheets of cardboard into a variety of shapes called Toy-Con, and combining them with Nintendo Switch, you can bring them to life! Build cardboard creations called Toy-Con step-by-step using interactive instructions on your Nintendo Switch. Combine Toy–Con creations with Nintendo Switch to play in entirely new ways! Uncover how each Toy-Con works as you put them together, then use your discoveries to invent new ways to play! The box contains Nintendo Switch game card containing software for use with the robot kit. Cardboard sheet x19 (includes an extra sheet for customisation); cardstock sheet x4; reflective sheet x1; string (orange) x2; string (blue) x2; fabric strap (grey) 1x large, 1x medium, 2x small; eyelet set (grey) x10; eyelet set (orange) x2.