Ninja Sloths Kickstarter Edition

Ninja Sloths Kickstarter Edition

RRP: £29.99
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RRP £29.99
Expected Release Date 01/01/2025
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Ninja Sloths is a 2-6 player turn-based competitive strategic card game. In this game, you’ll assemble a squad of Ninja Sloths to heist gems from the evil guards while working to avoid the sabotage of your foes. The game also includes items you can equip to your squad with, like weapons, and action cards. Make your path to victory by building the ultimate Ninja Squad and heisting t…
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-GQPFNSBASEGAMEP Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Ninja Sloths is a 2-6 player turn-based competitive strategic card game.
In this game, you’ll assemble a squad of Ninja Sloths to heist gems from the evil guards while working to avoid the sabotage of your foes. The game also includes items you can equip to your squad with, like weapons, and action cards. Make your path to victory by building the ultimate Ninja Squad and heisting the most gems from the guards…or perhaps…from your friends!
The player who heists the most gems wins the game!

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Ninja Sloths is a 2-6 player turn-based competitive strategic card game.
In this game, you’ll assemble a squad of Ninja Sloths to heist gems from the evil guards while working to avoid the sabotage of your foes. The game also includes items you can equip to your squad with, like weapons, and action cards. Make your path to victory by building the ultimate Ninja Squad and heisting the most gems from the guards...or perhaps...from your friends!
The player who heists the most gems wins the game!