A Song of Ice and Fire: Night's Watch Builder Crossbowmen Expansion

A Song of Ice and Fire: Night’s Watch Builder Crossbowmen Expansion

RRP: 37.99
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The Builders are the designers, engineers, and craftsmen that keep the Nights Watch stocked with arms and armor, as well as create and maintain the siege weapons along The Wall. But everyone in the Nights Watch must be ready to take up arms when a threat to Westeros appears, including the Builders.The Builder Crossbowmen unit box gives Nights Watch commanders a dedicated ranged unit…
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The Builders are the designers, engineers, and craftsmen that keep the Night’s Watch stocked with arms and armor, as well as create and maintain the siege weapons along The Wall. But everyone in the Night’s Watch must be ready to take up arms when a threat to Westeros appears, including the Builders. The Builder Crossbowmen unit box gives Night’s Watch commanders a dedicated ranged unit for their forces. Not very swift and lacking heavy armor, the Crossbowmen are still capable of dishing out damage at a distance. Their regular attacks have Sundering, meaning that they can easily pierce enemy armor, while their Order allows them to get a free attack on any enemy foolish enough to try and charge them.