Nidavellir: Thingvellir Expansion
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Mandated by the King, visit every tavern in the kingdom, hire the most skillful dwarves to save Nidavellir, and rely on Queen Dagfid who has called for help brave mercenaries and their precious artifacts.
Now, the Elvaland can instead of recruiting a Dwarf card or Royal Offering card in the tavern, choose to go to the Camp to take a Magic Artefact or recruit a Mercenary card. In the event of a tie to determine the highest bet on a current tavern, refer to the gem values as in the basic game. Only the Elvaland with the highest bet can go to the Camp and take a card. The other Elvalands must, in order of resolution, take a card from the tavern being resolved. If the Elvaland who played first chooses to take a card from the Camp, the remaining Dwarf card from the tavern must be discarded before proceeding to the next tavern Resolution. The Camp consists of Artifacts and Mercenaries.
Thingvellir, the trumps :
- New Hero cards, Mercenary cards with two classes and Artifact cards with unique powers.
- An innovative coin building system.
- Numerous and varied strategies.