Next Level: Game Design

Next Level: Game Design

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Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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In Next Level: Game Design, some of the best concept artists in the industry showcase fantastical locations designed for video games across genres. Many of the featured artists have worked on critically acclaimed games, while others present tantalising visions of game worlds yet to be realised. All provide readers with inspiration for approaching their own interactive worlds, and se…
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Category SKU ZTP-9781584237303 Availability Backorder
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In Next Level: Game Design, some of the best concept artists in the industry showcase fantastical locations designed for video games across genres. Many of the featured artists have worked on critically acclaimed games, while others present tantalising visions of game worlds yet to be realised. All provide readers with inspiration for approaching their own interactive worlds, and serve as reminders that gaming is a medium whose potential we have only just begun to explore.