New Lone Wolf and Cub Volume 8 (Paperback)

New Lone Wolf and Cub Volume 8 (Paperback)

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With his ninja assassins exterminated by Togo Shigekata, Mamiya Rinzo plays his final card to stop the rogue swordsman’s crusade for retribution: the ruthless Roshiya Ushidonki warriors Rinzo trained in Russia. But another foreign fighter has arrived in Japan – Rinzo’s abandoned daughter, on her own quest for vengeance! This new series is written by legendary serie…
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With his ninja assassins exterminated by Togo Shigekata, Mamiya Rinzo plays his final card to stop the rogue swordsman's crusade for retribution: the ruthless Roshiya Ushidonki warriors Rinzo trained in Russia. But another foreign fighter has arrived in Japan - Rinzo's abandoned daughter, on her own quest for vengeance! This new series is written by legendary series creator Kazuo Koike, illustrated by Hideki Mori and translated by Dana Lewis.