Neuroshima Hex: Mississippi (3.0)

Neuroshima Hex: Mississippi (3.0)

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In 2050 Mississippi is a toxic sewage draining directly from the interior of Moloch.The river and its vicinity hidden in poisonous fumes are known as the Belt of Death or seedbed of mutants.Warriors of the Mississippi, clad in coats and gas masks, diffuse the worst of the diseases and poisons..
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In 2050, the Mississippi River is toxic sewage draining directly from the interior of Moloch. The river and its vicinity hidden in poisonous fumes are known as the Belt of Death or seedbed of mutants. Warriors of the Mississippi, clad in coats and gas masks, diffuse the worst of the diseases and poisons. They are literally immune to everything. Admittedly, they rarely leave their beloved sewage, but when they move their hard asses, you can be sure that they will withstand the contaminations longer than you as they saw practically everything while growing up near that damned river!

Neuroshima Hex! Mississippi is the fifth army pack for Neuroshima Hex! This tough, defensive army's main advantage is the ability to massively poison the enemy HQ with venom as well as to thwart the enemy plans. The other advantages are noticeable resistance to attacks and ability to bypass the enemy's defense. The army's disadvantages are low number of Warriors, low mobility, low toughness, as well as a complete lack of armor.