Nations Dynasties Expansion

Nations Dynasties Expansion

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Building a strong nation that will last through the ages can be difficult. You must plan your actions carefully, listen to your advisors and not shy away from a little war. Nations Dynasties Expansion is the expansion to the hit civilization building game. Human history grows more diverse with Nations: Dynasties Expansion, the first expansion for Lautapelit’s epic game of civiliza…
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Building a strong nation that will last through the ages can be difficult. You must plan your actions carefully, listen to your advisors and not shy away from a little war. Nations Dynasties Expansion is the expansion to the hit civilization building game. Human history grows more diverse with Nations: Dynasties Expansion, the first expansion for Lautapelit’s epic game of civilization building and strategy, Nations. Players can now choose to guide one of twelve new nations, including Mali, India, and Japan, from pre-history to the present. They can let powerful Dynasties, such as the Mughal Empire and kingdom of Sparta, rule their nation, or play Turmoil cards to enact regime change. Finally, players can explore earth’s legendary Natural Wonders, from the Grand Canyon and Great Barrier Reef to the Northern Lights. Together with the new more advanced Progress cards, the replayability is increased significantly. This expansion is recommended when you are experienced with the Expert cards of the base game. Age: 12, Players: 1-5, 40-200 Minutes Playing Time