Myths and Legends: Through Ice and Snow Expansion

Myths and Legends: Through Ice and Snow Expansion

RRP: 29.99
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RRP €35.99
Expected Release Date 04/01/2025
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his is the 1st expansion for the Arctic Epic Through Ice and Snow. This expansion requires the base game to play, and includes 3 new game modules:

- Walking on ice: Relive the anguish of the arctic expeditions that abandoned their ship and tried to survive on foot.

- Inuit Myths: Discover the Inuit mythology and feel the power of its legends.

- Legendary Expeditions Lead the great explorers with their ships and historical events.

Besides these modules, the expansion includes 2 new solo scenarios: The mysterious epidemic & The voyage of Amundsen.

- 61 cards
- 1 punchboard
- 5 boards
- 35 wooden pieces