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Perfect for the pre-reader and early learner, My First BANANAGRAMS utilizes lowercase letters that help children grow a love for word games and wordplay, and aligns perfectly with reading curriculums. Also included are combo-letter word building tiles, which are the first step in word creation. With multiple mini games, My First BANANAGRAMS creates a step-by-step play-progression towards ultimately learning how to play a full game of BANANAGRAMS.
You start by placing all 80 single letter tiles facedown in the center of the table. These form the “Bunch.” Each player takes 15 single-letter tiles. The object of the game is to be the first to use all your letters in a connected word grid without a spelling mistake, proper noun or abbreviation. There are also multiple ways to use the tiles to progress your preschooler in their reading skills. Like spelling your name, placing the abc’s in order and letter matching.