My Clueless First Friend 03

My Clueless First Friend 03

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Opposites attract when a cheerful airhead meets the resident wallflower of his new class in this heartwarming, slice-of-life school comedy series! As the season changes to winter, the cold weather does nothing to put a chill on pushy Takada and shy Nishimura’s deepening bond! Nishimura also finds herself building friendships with the rest of her classmates, too, even hosting f…
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Category Tag SKU ZTP-9781646092079 Availability Backorder
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Opposites attract when a cheerful airhead meets the resident wallflower of his new class in this heartwarming, slice-of-life school comedy series! As the season changes to winter, the cold weather does nothing to put a chill on pushy Takada and shy Nishimura's deepening bond! Nishimura also finds herself building friendships with the rest of her classmates, too, even hosting friends at her home - for the very first time! What will she do when Christmas comes around and Takada, wondering how his feelings for Nishimura differ from how he feels about the rest of their friends, asks her if they should kiss?