Munchkin Treasure Hunt

Munchkin Treasure Hunt

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In Munchkin Treasure Hunt, munchkins, move around the board. If you land on a monster, use the Monster cards to find out how tough it is, then roll a dice and use your Treasures (like Protective Kittens or a Broccoli Smoothie – EEEUUWW, YUCK) to beat it. When you run out of Treasure cards, whoever has the most gold in their hand wins the game! Munchkin Treasure Hunt comes with a b…
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In Munchkin Treasure Hunt, munchkins, move around the board. If you land on a monster, use the Monster cards to find out how tough it is, then roll a dice and use your Treasures (like Protective Kittens or a Broccoli Smoothie – EEEUUWW, YUCK) to beat it.

When you run out of Treasure cards, whoever has the most gold in their hand wins the game! Munchkin Treasure Hunt comes with a board, two custom six-sided dice, 96 colorful cards, four blank cards (so you can write your own!), six character standees, and a rulesheet.

  • Ages 6+
  • 2-6 players
  • 60 minutes playing time