Munchkin Taken for Granite

Munchkin Taken for Granite

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Expected Release Date 04/01/2025
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Munchkin: Taken for Granite combines a ton of earth and a pebble of magic into a legion of the weirdest, wackiest constructs you’ve ever seen! Run from the Sock Golem, have a drink with the Calcium Golem, or chill out with the Frost Golem. Watch out, though, because even non-Golem monsters can become Hard as a Rock, so you’ll need your Hard Hat and an Automatic Chisel to…
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Category Tags , , , SKU ZBG-SJG1591 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Munchkin: Taken for Granite combines a ton of earth and a pebble of magic into a legion of the weirdest, wackiest constructs you’ve ever seen!
Run from the Sock Golem, have a drink with the Calcium Golem, or chill out with the Frost Golem. Watch out, though, because even non-Golem monsters can become Hard as a Rock, so you’ll need your Hard Hat and an Automatic Chisel to really Break the Mold.

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Munchkin: Taken for Granite combines a ton of earth and a pebble of magic into a legion of the weirdest, wackiest constructs you've ever seen!
Run from the Sock Golem, have a drink with the Calcium Golem, or chill out with the Frost Golem. Watch out, though, because even non-Golem monsters can become Hard as a Rock, so you'll need your Hard Hat and an Automatic Chisel to really Break the Mold.