MTG: Theros Beyond Death Planeswalker Deck - Elspeth

MTG: Theros Beyond Death Planeswalker Deck – Elspeth

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Includes a 60 card ready deck, storage box and strategy guide. Battle a few times to understand how to play your deck, then open the 2 included booster packs to customize it. Elspeth is a renowned warrior of surpassing skill and unshakable willpower, who has defeated everything from gods to death itself. Build up a battalion of devoted soldiers and lead them fearlessly to a glorious…
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-WTCC62570001-ELSPETH Availability Out of stock
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Includes a 60 card ready deck, storage box and strategy guide. Battle a few times to understand how to play your deck, then open the 2 included booster packs to customize it.

Elspeth is a renowned warrior of surpassing skill and unshakable willpower, who has defeated everything from gods to death itself. Build up a battalion of devoted soldiers and lead them fearlessly to a glorious victory.