MTG: Mana 8 500+ Flat Pack Storage Box - Plains

MTG: Mana 8 500+ Flat Pack Storage Box – Plains

RRP: 23.99
Now €25.27(SAVE 12%)
RRP €28.99
Expected Release Date 31/12/2024
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Category Tags , , , , , , SKU ZBG-UPR19943 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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The 500+ Flat Pack Storage Box for Magic: The Gathering is the ultimate storage solution for all tabletop gamers! This lightweight, travel-friendly box holds up to 500 double-sleeved cards, 5 Ultra PRO 100+ Deck Boxes , or 3 rolled playmats. When not in use, it folds flat for easy storage and transport, then reassembles in seconds. Features an exclusive design of the five land icons and lotus symbol from Mana 8, and closes securely with a built-in elastic band. Perfect for conventions, tournaments, and gaming events, this storage box has you covered.