MTG: Ixalan Deck Builder's Toolkit

MTG: Ixalan Deck Builder’s Toolkit

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The Deck Builder’s Toolkit (Ixalan Edition) is a box set that was released on September 29, 2017. It contains 100 basic land cards (17 of each type from Ixalan and 3 of each type from Kaladesh), 85 fixed cards, 40 of 70 semi-randomized cards suitable for building several different Magic decks, and four 15-card booster packs. You also get a deck builder’s guide with tips abou…
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The Deck Builder's Toolkit (Ixalan Edition) is a box set that was released on September 29, 2017. It contains 100 basic land cards (17 of each type from Ixalan and 3 of each type from Kaladesh), 85 fixed cards, 40 of 70 semi-randomized cards suitable for building several different Magic decks, and four 15-card booster packs. You also get a deck builder?s guide with tips about building the best Magic decks, a Magic "learn to play" guide and a full-art reusable card storage box. All the fixed and semi-random cards in the box are from Kaladesh, Aether Revolt, Amonkhet, Hour of Devastation, Ixalan and Welcome Deck 2017.