MTG: Innistrad Remastered Double Sided Playmat Multi Mythic X

MTG: Innistrad Remastered Double Sided Playmat Multi Mythic X

RRP: £32.99
Now £28.79(SAVE 12%)
RRP £32.99
Expected Release Date 31/03/2025
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Double Sided Playmats featurng popular Magic: The Gathering artwork printed on both sides of the playmat. Made with a soft fabric material to reduce damage to cards during play, playmats enhance the gameplay experience. The double-sided artwork provides a unique addition to any Magic: The Gathering collection. With dimensions of approximately 24 in. x 13.5 in., a playmat also makes an excellent oversize mousepad for home or office.


Double Sided Playmats featurng popular Magic: The Gathering artwork printed on both sides of the playmat. Made with a soft fabric material to reduce damage to cards during play, playmats enhance the gameplay experience. The double-sided artwork provides a unique addition to any Magic: The Gathering collection. With dimensions of approximately 24 in. x 13.5 in., a playmat also makes an excellent oversize mousepad for home or office.