MTG: Guilds of Ravnica Alcove Deck Box: Azorius Senate

MTG: Guilds of Ravnica Alcove Deck Box: Azorius Senate

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The Guilds of Ravnica have held dominion over the Ravnican Plane for thousands of years, each with their own beliefs, motivations, and secrets. Ultra PRO has brought the Magic of our Alcove deck box to the Guilds of Ravnica. Also known as the High Judges, the Azorius Senate is Ravnica’s ostensible government.
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The Guilds of Ravnica have held dominion over the Ravnican Plane for thousands of years, each with their own beliefs, motivations, and secrets. Ultra PRO has brought the Magic of our Alcove deck box to the Guilds of Ravnica.

Also known as the High Judges, the Azorius Senate is Ravnica's ostensible government.