Mr. Boop

Mr. Boop

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Author Alec Robbins is deeply in love with his wife, 1930s cartoon superstar Betty Boop. And wouldn’t you know it, she loves him back! It’s the perfect marriage, and nothing will ever go wrong. They’ll be happy together forever and nothing will ever come between them – not other famous cartoon characters, not intellectual property law, and certainly not Alec&…
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Author Alec Robbins is deeply in love with his wife, 1930s cartoon superstar Betty Boop. And wouldn't you know it, she loves him back! It's the perfect marriage, and nothing will ever go wrong. They'll be happy together forever and nothing will ever come between them - not other famous cartoon characters, not intellectual property law, and certainly not Alec's own towering insecurities. Basically, they're just both really happy together and everything's good and nice and that's the end of it. No more questions. Don't even bother reading this comic.