Morvenn Vahl: Spear Of Faith (HB)

Morvenn Vahl: Spear Of Faith (HB)

RRP: £20.00
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When word gets out that a terrible monster of myth is threatening the cardinal world of Ophelia VII, Abbess Santorum and High Lord of Terra Morvenn Vahl defies the will of the Senatorum Imperialis and races to its defence. What she finds is a holy world defiled by the warlord Kol Rakhil, the Death of Saints, who leads a host of Night Lords to tear the world to the ground.


When word gets out that a terrible monster of myth is threatening the cardinal world of Ophelia VII, Abbess Santorum and High Lord of Terra Morvenn Vahl defies the will of the Senatorum Imperialis and races to its defence. What she finds is a holy world defiled by the warlord Kol Rakhil, the Death of Saints, who leads a host of Night Lords to tear the world to the ground.