Monster Menagerie D&D Icons of the Realms

Monster Menagerie D&D Icons of the Realms

RRP: $36.99
Now $37.44(SAVE 20%)
RRP $46.99
Expected Restock Date 01/01/2025
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In Monster Menagerie you will find a vast array of challenges for your heroes to overcome and allies to fight by your side. Face Bulettes as they use their powerful claws to tunnel through the earth when they hunt. Or the Gelatinous Cube as it scours dungeon passages in silent, predictable patterns, leaving perfectly clean paths in its wake. Or the Displacer Beast which takes its na…
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Category SKU ZBG-WZK72289 Availability Backorder
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In Monster Menagerie you will find a vast array of challenges for your heroes to overcome and allies to fight by your side. Face Bulettes as they use their powerful claws to tunnel through the earth when they hunt. Or the Gelatinous Cube as it scours dungeon passages in silent, predictable patterns, leaving perfectly clean paths in its wake. Or the Displacer Beast which takes its name from its ability to mask itself with illusion, displacing light so that it appears to be somewhere it is not.

In this set you will receive 1 Treant model from the Monster Menagerie promo part of the Icons of the Realms series.