Monopoly Disney Stitch Edition

Monopoly Disney Stitch Edition

RRP: £29.99
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Category Tags , , SKU ZBG-HASG0388GA01 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Enjoy a day of fun with the Monopoly Disney Stitch Edition game, where classic Monopoly gameplay meets the whimsical world of Stitch! Dive into a board filled with Stitchs favorite activities like Hula Show and Chillax, and vibrant beach rentals! Choose from four unique Stitch tokens, each featuring a playful pose, as you navigate the board, claiming activities and rentals to boost your earnings.

Upgrade your properties with beach huts and lighthouses, and watch your rent soar. Draw 626 and Ohana cards for unexpected twists and fan-favorite moments. Perfect for family game nights and parties, this edition is a fantastic gift for kids, teens, and adults who love Stitch! Get ready for a playful spin on the classic game and make your day with Stitch unforgettable.

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Enjoy a day of fun with the Monopoly Disney Stitch Edition game, where classic Monopoly gameplay meets the whimsical world of Stitch! Dive into a board filled with Stitchs favorite activities like Hula Show and Chillax, and vibrant beach rentals! Choose from four unique Stitch tokens, each featuring a playful pose, as you navigate the board, claiming activities and rentals to boost your earnings.

Upgrade your properties with beach huts and lighthouses, and watch your rent soar. Draw 626 and Ohana cards for unexpected twists and fan-favorite moments. Perfect for family game nights and parties, this edition is a fantastic gift for kids, teens, and adults who love Stitch! Get ready for a playful spin on the classic game and make your day with Stitch unforgettable.