Modem Times 2.0 - (Paperback)

Modem Times 2.0 – (Paperback)

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As the editor of London’s revolutionary New Worlds magazine in the swinging sixties, Michael Moorcock has been credited with virtually inventing modern science fiction, publishing authors including Norman Spinrad, Samuel R. Delaney, Brian Aldiss and J.G. Ballard. Now, Moorcock’s most audacious creation, Jerry Cornelius – assassin, rock star, chronospy and maybe-Mes…
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As the editor of London's revolutionary New Worlds magazine in the swinging sixties, Michael Moorcock has been credited with virtually inventing modern science fiction, publishing authors including Norman Spinrad, Samuel R. Delaney, Brian Aldiss and J.G. Ballard. Now, Moorcock's most audacious creation, Jerry Cornelius - assassin, rock star, chronospy and maybe-Messiah - is back in Modem Times 2.0, a time-twisting odyssey that connects 1960s London with Obama's America, making stops in Palm Springs and Guantanamo.