Mobile Suit Gundam G.M.G. Action Figure Earth Federation Army 04 Normal Suit Soldier 10 cm
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We are excited to annouce that we came up with vol.4 for G.M.G.(Gundam Millitary Generation) series! The vol.4 installment is a pilot wearing a normal suit with the theme of hand to hand combat and cockpit, which is based on the image of the final battle of A Baoa Qu.
Soldier 04 is fully painted and about 10cm tall. (1/18 scale) The basic set includes helmet head, replacement wrists (6 types), the Earth Federation Army service pistol M71, holster, side pouches (2 types), and harness are included as special parts. You can reproduce the cockpit of the core fighter by arranging the bonus parts attached to 04 to 06. I would like you to experience the spread of G.M.G. with your own hands.
Bonus parts for "04 Normal Suit Soldier" include cockpit front parts (2 types), center lever, and 4 point seat belt.