Mimic Chest Life-Sized Figure: D&D Replicas of the Realms

Mimic Chest Life-Sized Figure: D&D Replicas of the Realms

RRP: 374.99
Now €414.30(SAVE 7%)
RRP €447.99
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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From Wizkids/NECA. It`s every adventurer`s rite of passage to encounter a Mimic in combatyou can have one with you in the room while you play! This life-sized Mimic chest is 20" tall and made from soft foam that`s painted to show off each eye and tooth, not to mention that long tongue! This replica creature is incredibly lifelike and stands mid-lunge toward its next victimThis iconi…
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From Wizkids/NECA. It`s every adventurer`s rite of passage to encounter a Mimic in combatyou can have one with you in the room while you play! This life-sized Mimic chest is 20" tall and made from soft foam that`s painted to show off each eye and tooth, not to mention that long tongue! This replica creature is incredibly lifelike and stands mid-lunge toward its next victimThis iconic Dungeons & Dragons creature is ready to be displayed in a place of honor whether that is amongst the aisles of your game shop or ready to greet your players as they enter your game room!