Militarum Tempestus Scions
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The Tempestus Scions are amongst the finest human warriors in the galaxy. They are fanatically dedicated to the act of following their orders - even if it may result in their own deaths - and often complete missions so dangerous that they would be deemed suicidal for a regular guardsman.
This box contains everything you need to make a 5 man Militarum Tempestus Scions squad armed with hot-shot lasguns, or a 5 man Militarum Tempestus Command squad. It is supplied unpainted and requires assembly - we recommend using Citadel Thin Plastic Glue and Citadel Paints. You have the option to use a combination of 17 heads (8 with respirators and 9 with berets) and ammo pouches, knives, grenades and canteens to fully customise your miniatures.
If you choose to build a squad of Tempestus Scions you have the option to upgrade 1 model to be a Tempestor. The Tempestor has a fantastic array of weapons options. The right hand can be equipped with a powerfist, chainsword or power sword, and you can choose to upgrade the left handed laspistol to a bolt pistol or a plasma pistol. You have the option to replace the hot-shot lasguns with a choice of five additional special weapons: a plasma gun, meltagun, grenade launcher, flamer or hot-shot volley gun. This kit also includes a vox-caster backpack which allows one of your Tempestus Scions to fulfil the role of Vox-cast operator.
By building the Militarum Tempestus Command Squad you can create a host of miniatures that represent the very best Scions in the regiment. You have the option to build a Tempestor Prime who has a great coat with a servo skull on the shoulder and a knife clutched in his right hand. You can then choose to equip a command staff or a bolt pistol in his left hand. In addition to the Tempestor Prime, the command squad includes: a Medic with an apothecary tool in his right hand and a first aid kit in left, a Standard Bearer with embossed standard (which is the same motif found on the front of the Taurox Prime) and a Vox-caster.
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