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Each round in Miaui, players choose one of the cards in their hand — and everyone starts the game with the same cards numbered 1-12 — to show how deep they dive in the hope of catching the best fish. All kinds of fish are served at the feast but beware the gooey jellyfish and the thieving seagulls. In more detail, three cards are laid out from the catch deck from the surface of t…
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-ZMG012 Availability Out of stock
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Each round in Miaui, players choose one of the cards in their hand — and everyone starts the game with the same cards numbered 1-12 — to show how deep they dive in the hope of catching the best fish. All kinds of fish are served at the feast but beware the gooey jellyfish and the thieving seagulls.

In more detail, three cards are laid out from the catch deck from the surface of the water to the depths. Each players chooses a card and plays them simultaneously. Whoever plays the highest card dives deepest and grabs the card at the bottom of the lake, while the next highest card grabs the card just above this. Whoever played the lowest card collects what's at the surface. Sometimes this isn't good since jellyfish cost you points and seagulls steal your most recent catch.

May the best diver win!


Each round in Miaui, players choose one of the cards in their hand — and everyone starts the game with the same cards numbered 1-12 — to show how deep they dive in the hope of catching the best fish. All kinds of fish are served at the feast but beware the gooey jellyfish and the thieving seagulls.

In more detail, three cards are laid out from the catch deck from the surface of the water to the depths. Each players chooses a card and plays them simultaneously. Whoever plays the highest card dives deepest and grabs the card at the bottom of the lake, while the next highest card grabs the card just above this. Whoever played the lowest card collects what's at the surface. Sometimes this isn't good since jellyfish cost you points and seagulls steal your most recent catch.

May the best diver win!