Mechanical Monsters (5E)

Mechanical Monsters (5E)

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Mechanical Monsters features over 140 incredible creatures for DnD 5E born from mad sciencists and magitech, clockworks and cybernetics, conveniently packaged for Foundry VTT! Sci-fi elements have been a part of the RPG landscape from its earliest days, infusing fantasy with elements of future tech from far realms beyond the stars, ancient empires with lost technology, or curious ar…
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Category Tag SKU ZBG-LGP574MMB015E Availability Out of stock
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Mechanical Monsters features over 140 incredible creatures for DnD 5E born from mad sciencists and magitech, clockworks and cybernetics, conveniently packaged for Foundry VTT! Sci-fi elements have been a part of the RPG landscape from its earliest days, infusing fantasy with elements of future tech from far realms beyond the stars, ancient empires with lost technology, or curious artificers and alchemists working together to blend science and sorcery. Mechanical Monsters delivers an incredible collection of these creatures for your campaign!