Mcfarlane Toys Batman 66 Joker Bw

Mcfarlane Toys Batman 66 Joker Bw

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Who is the impractical joker with a key to crime? With a maniacal laugh, a twisted sense of humor, and penchant for setting cunning traps, The Joker is one of atman’s most notoriously fiendish foes. But when it comes to putting an end to The Joker’s crime sprees, Batman knows firsthand that The Joker’s jokes are never very funny… in the end. Product Features: Is Monochroma…
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Who is the impractical joker with a key to crime? With a maniacal laugh, a twisted sense of humor, and penchant for setting cunning traps, The Joker is one of atman’s most notoriously fiendish foes. But when it comes to putting an end to The Joker’s crime sprees, Batman knows firsthand that The Joker’s jokes are never very funny… in the end.

Product Features:

Is Monochromatic black and white to mimic pre color transmission TV for the classic 1960’s TV show
Designed with 12 points of articulation
Each figure includes 2 action word bubbles
Packaged in a card backed blister with the iconic old school look of the 1960’s Batman series
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