Maya's Big Scene (Hardback)

Maya’s Big Scene (Hardback)

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Maya is a bossy, burgeoning playwright and loves to have the kids in her neighbourhood bring her scenes to life. Her latest work, about a feminist revolution, is almost ready for public performance. But as her actors begin to express their costume preferences, Maya quickly learns that their visions may not match hers… and as both Director and Queen, Maya demands obedience and …
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Category SKU ZTP-9780735267602 Availability Backorder
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Maya is a bossy, burgeoning playwright and loves to have the kids in her neighbourhood bring her scenes to life. Her latest work, about a feminist revolution, is almost ready for public performance. But as her actors begin to express their costume preferences, Maya quickly learns that their visions may not match hers... and as both Director and Queen, Maya demands obedience and loyalty in her queendom of equality! But she soon realises - with the help of her friends and subjects - that absolute bossiness corrupts absolutely!