Matchbox™ Driving Adventures - Nintendo Switch

Matchbox™ Driving Adventures – Nintendo Switch

RRP: $34.99
Now $40.11(SAVE 10%)
RRP $44.99
Nintendo Switch
Expected Release Date 04/03/2025
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Are you ready for the thrill of a lifetime? Gear up and join the Chief of the Matchbox Adventure Squad in Matchbox™ Driving Adventures. Jump into an authentic Matchbox™ vehicle and drive through six dynamic locations. Race against the clock, chase runaway cars, and tackle exciting rescue missions. Cruise in Adventure Mode or choose from 14 tracks in Competition Mode for a spot on …
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Category Tags , SKU VAD-NSKEARINF35335 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Are you ready for the thrill of a lifetime? Gear up and join the Chief of the Matchbox Adventure Squad in Matchbox™ Driving Adventures. Jump into an authentic Matchbox™ vehicle and drive through six dynamic locations. Race against the clock, chase runaway cars, and tackle exciting rescue missions. Cruise in Adventure Mode or choose from 14 tracks in Competition Mode for a spot on the leaderboard playing solo or in local co-op. The choice is yours. Earn medals as you unlock 10 customizable vehicles to add to your collection. It's time to get behind the wheel of iconic Matchbox™ cars and trucks, celebrate your accomplishments, and Drive Your Adventure