Masterpieces Puzzle: Hometown Gallery Changing Times Puzzle - 1000 pieces

Masterpieces Puzzle: Hometown Gallery Changing Times Puzzle – 1000 pieces

RRP: 11.95
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Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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These MasterPieces 19.25″ x 26.75″ 1000pc Hometown Gallery Puzzles are painted by the talented folk artist,Bob Pettes, and they feature beautiful, vintage scenes that remind us all of simpler times. The introduction of cars brings changing times to this country town. To reduce their impact on our environment, the chipboard used in these puzzles is made of recycled materi…
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Category Tags , SKU ZVR-6232 Availability Backorder
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These MasterPieces 19.25" x 26.75" 1000pc Hometown Gallery Puzzles are painted by the talented folk artist,Bob Pettes, and they feature beautiful, vintage scenes that remind us all of simpler times. The introduction of cars brings changing times to this country town. To reduce their impact on our environment, the chipboard used in these puzzles is made of recycled material.