Mass Effect Replica Alliance Normandy SR-2 16 cm

Mass Effect Replica Alliance Normandy SR-2 16 cm

RRP: $52.19
Now $52.61(SAVE 19%)
RRP $64.99
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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The Mass Effect Trilogy redefined RPG's as we know them, and we're excited to bring our first Mass Effect ship replica back for a new generation, due to popular demand. Just as the Alliance recommissioned the Normandy SR-2, we too announce the re-release of a custom-crafted miniature version of the SSV Normandy SR-2.

As the Normandy evolved with each subsequent game, our newly remastered ship replica has also been advanced with this 6.25'' model. A redesigned base emblazoned with a metallic N7 logo this is the perfect addition to add to your ''Captain's Cabin'' for all veterans of the System Alliance!