Marvel Visionaries: Roy Thomas (Paperback)

Marvel Visionaries: Roy Thomas (Paperback)

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Celebrate the career of a true Marvel Visionary! Relive some of Rascally Roy Thomas’ greatest stories as, under his pen, the Fantastic Four confront racism, social injustice and… the Impossible Man?! Plus, the Vision joins the Avengers! The Hulk finds his way to ‘Heaven!’ The Sub-Mariner fights Dragon Man! Captain Marvel escapes the Murder Maze! The origin of…
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Celebrate the career of a true Marvel Visionary! Relive some of Rascally Roy Thomas' greatest stories as, under his pen, the Fantastic Four confront racism, social injustice and... the Impossible Man?! Plus, the Vision joins the Avengers! The Hulk finds his way to 'Heaven!' The Sub-Mariner fights Dragon Man! Captain Marvel escapes the Murder Maze! The origin of the Invaders! Doctor Strange's secrets revealed! Dracula in Salem and the X-Men in Japan! And who is Starr the Slayer? Plus rarely seen stories of humour and romance from Marvel's Silver Age! Collecting: Modeling With Millie 44; Tales Of Suspense 73; Avengers 35, 57-58, 100; Sub-Mariner 8, 14; Not Brand Echh 12; Captain Marvel 19; X-Men 64; Chamber Of Darkness 4; Amazing Adventures 8; Incredible Hulk 147; Fantastic Four 119, 176; Dracula Lives 1; Giant-Size Invaders 1; Doctor Strange 9