Marvel Platinum: The Definitive Marvels

Marvel Platinum: The Definitive Marvels

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When former U.S. Air Force pilot Carol Danvers was caught in the explosion of an alien Kree device, she was imbued with incredible superhuman powers. As Captain Marvel and an Avenger she uses her gifts to protect the planet. Kamala Khan gained her powers after she was transformed by the Inhumans mutagenic Terrigen Mist. Deciding to emulate her hero, Captain Marvel, Kamala adopted th…
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When former U.S. Air Force pilot Carol Danvers was caught in the explosion of an alien Kree device, she was imbued with incredible superhuman powers. As Captain Marvel and an Avenger she uses her gifts to protect the planet. Kamala Khan gained her powers after she was transformed by the Inhumans mutagenic Terrigen Mist. Deciding to emulate her hero, Captain Marvel, Kamala adopted the name of Ms. Marvel to fight crime! Monica Rambeau gained her power to turn herself into energy after accidentally being bombarded by an experimental energy. Now, as Photon, she is a memeber of Earth's Mightiest Heroes - the Avengers! Marvel Platinum: The Definitive The Marvels brings together the very best tales from the three hero's 50 plus-year history. Brace yourselves for action on a truly intergalactic scale!