Marvel Platinum: The Definitive Captain America Redux (Paperback)

Marvel Platinum: The Definitive Captain America Redux (Paperback)

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During the dark days of the early 1940s, a covert military experiment transformed frail Steve Rogers into America’s first Super-Soldier, Captain America. Throughout World War II, Cap fought against the threat of the Axis powers. In the closing months of the conflict, a freak stroke of fate threw Captain America into a state of suspended animation. Decades later, the Sentinel o…
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During the dark days of the early 1940s, a covert military experiment transformed frail Steve Rogers into America's first Super-Soldier, Captain America. Throughout World War II, Cap fought against the threat of the Axis powers. In the closing months of the conflict, a freak stroke of fate threw Captain America into a state of suspended animation. Decades later, the Sentinel of Liberty was revived, to find himself a man out of time in a world he never imagined: a world in dire need of Captain America.