Marvel Masterworks: The Defenders Vol. 6 (Hardback)

Marvel Masterworks: The Defenders Vol. 6 (Hardback)

RRP: £62.50
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RRP £62.50
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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The Defenders, Marvel’s ‘non-team’ with an ever-changing roster, brings together its most famous members – Doctor Strange, the Hulk, the Sub-Mariner – with new comrades – Red Guardian, Moon Knight, Nick Fury – and fan-favorites – Luke Cage, Hellcat, Valkyrie, Nighthawk – and the result is nothing short of classic! The creative te…
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The Defenders, Marvel's 'non-team' with an ever-changing roster, brings together its most famous members - Doctor Strange, the Hulk, the Sub-Mariner - with new comrades - Red Guardian, Moon Knight, Nick Fury - and fan-favorites - Luke Cage, Hellcat, Valkyrie, Nighthawk - and the result is nothing short of classic! The creative team of Kraft and Giff en jumps into the series feet first and spin some of the Defenders' greatest adventures: Doctor Strange, possessed by the Red Rajah, becomes a mystic threat to the entire universe! Scorpio and his Zodiac launch a kidnapping conspiracy involving S.H.I.E.L.D.! Valkyrie struggles to reclaim her life! Also featuring an all-new Emissaries of Evil, the origin of the Red Guardian, Atlantean mega-monsters, and the debut of Lunatik! Collecting: Defenders (1972) 42-57; material from FOOM (1973) 19